. Our Story

Our Story

My love and fascination with the mountains started early, growing up in a flat and arid Baghdad; occasionally I escaped to the majestic mountains of my mother’s homeland – Kurdistan with its beautiful snow peaks and lush green valleys.

Years later, my family moved to Europe and I had my first ever ski trip aged 14.
Coincidentally, I was the same age as my Dad when he took his first school ski trip to Lebanon in the 1950s. 

Far from being a typical Tyrolean mountain goat born to ‘schuss’, I nonetheless, found my happy place above the cloudline on a bluebird day making tracks into fresh powder.

As I approached my 50’s, fewer and fewer ski buddies were able to join trips and for different reasons, yet my love for the mountains remained stronger than ever. 

SkiBuddy is my way to help mountaineers connect and join others in making the most out of our mountain experience – whichever way you do it, ski, hike, board, freeride or mountain bike.
I’d also hope to collaborate with everyone interested in making SkiBuddy a better, more informative and inclusive space.

Let us cherish nature’s gift.
"H" Fekaiki