. For Business

SkiBuddy: A Partner for Your Business

SkiBuddy is designed with businesses in mind. We want to help you ensure optimal value for your brand, service, and customers.

Here are some of the ways that SkiBuddy can help your business:

  • Targeted promotions: Our app user experience is designed to deliver clear and accessible promotions to your target audience at the right time and place.
  • Dedicated online service: We provide business advertisers with a dedicated online service to help them upload and manage promotions in terms of content, coverage, and frequency. Advertisers can also access reports to help them manage their promotions for maximum impact.
  • Maximum reach: Our objective is to offer your brand and service maximum reach in the number of users at the right time and place. Whether it’s a discount, invite, brand awareness message or general information, SkiBuddy is a great way to reach your target audience and promote your business. 
  • Partnerships: We believe in working in partnerships rather than short-term transactions. We will be offering our partners every opportunity to express their voice to our community in terms of affordability and inclusion.

We believe that economic and environmental sustainability starts with the welfare of local businesses and the mountain economy in general.

Your business matters to us.


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